Tagdomestic violence

Do feminists always project? HBR Talk 292


Feminists like to accuse men in general, especially men in the men’s rights movement, of basing their values and intentions on controlling & violent impulses & ideology. In the past, when MRAs have documented evidence of female behavior that constitutes a serious men’s issue, feminists have accused those maintaining the documentation of stalking, harassment, and threatening women just for...

Let’s examine this hidden detail in Australia’s family violence response training | HBR Talk 211


If you listen to feminists discuss the issue of intimate partner and sexual violence, you’ll get a very polarized view. In discussing female complainants who describe experiencing this type of violence, you’d be advised that “victims have a right to be believed,” and admonished that “their victimization is never their fault.”…

Prim Reaper: Suggestions to Improve Outcomes for Male DV victims – HBR Talk 198


Tune in to HBR Talk 198 as Prim Reaper discusses her report, Suggestions to Improve Outcomes for Male Victims of Domestic Abuse: A Review of the Literature, with Deborah Powney, whose report, Male victims of Coercive Control, Experiences and Impact, found that male victims experience severe and longstanding negative effects from female perpetrated coercive control, and that their needs are not...

Julie Bindel Tells Us How British Feminism is Doing Feminism the Bestest | HBR Debate 55


Join us on HBR Debate as we go through a calm-versation between Benjamin Boyce and feminist Julie Bindel. Julie Bindel is an author and second wave feminist who is well known around the world for her work. She tells us that her narrative of men oppressing women under patriarchy is somehow unique from other feminisms and their narrative of men oppressing women under patriarchy.…

COVID Mutates, Female Leaders More Likely To Wage War, THOT Mom Ruins X-Mas | HBR News 287


Hello and welcome to HBR News where we talk about the news of the week! This week we talk about the supposed mutation of COVID-19 and what that might mean, why female leaders are more likely to wage wars, a study finds that women overestimate men’s attraction to skinny supermodels, Amber Heard is getting paid to talk about domestic violence(not as a perpetrator), and more!…

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