Tagdomestic abuse

COVID Mutates, Female Leaders More Likely To Wage War, THOT Mom Ruins X-Mas | HBR News 287


Hello and welcome to HBR News where we talk about the news of the week! This week we talk about the supposed mutation of COVID-19 and what that might mean, why female leaders are more likely to wage wars, a study finds that women overestimate men’s attraction to skinny supermodels, Amber Heard is getting paid to talk about domestic violence(not as a perpetrator), and more!…

Johnny Depp FIRED! Statue of Mary Wollstonecreaft Erected! Election Shenanigans! | HBR News 281


Hello and welcome to HBR News where we talk about the news of the week! This week we talk about Johnny Depp having to step down from his role in Warner Bros Fantastic Beasts franchise because he’s a “wife-beater”, shenanigans ensue all over the USA as Joe Biden is declared the President Elect before the counts are in and more!…

Abolishing History, Crazy Momma Behind the Wheel, MN Police Check Out | HBR News 267


Hello and welcome to HBR News where we talk about the news of the week! This week we talk about an evolutionary biologist was forced out of academia because he didn’t agree with the orthodoxy about gender as a social construct, how crime in Minneapolis skyrockets as police stop putting themselves at risk for an ungrateful populace, Chicago Area leaders call to abolish history classes, and...

CAFE’s COVID-19 Suicide Prevention Campaign & More With Philipp Tanzer | Week In Men’s Rights


Hello and welcome to the Week in Men’s Rights show where we bring you the latest efforts, programs, and outreach that folks have made in the interests of men’s issues. This week we have special guest Philippp Tanzer and will be discussing a variety of topics including a survey being used to highlight the experiences of male victims of intimate partner violence, CAFE efforts to curb...

Upcoming Men’s Issues Events and Disrupting International Women’s Day! | Week In Men’s Rights


Join us on the Week in Men’s Rights as we look at the upcoming news and events surrounding men’s and boys’ issues specifically! This week we will be looking at an upcoming CAFE event entitled “The International Conference to Explore the Intersection of Shared Parenting and Family Violence”, the National Conference on Men’s Issues event on domestic abuse, a...

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