
Breaking the Narrative Episode 83 : Can A Bloodsoaked Demon Shed Tears? Fist of the Blue Sky: ReGenesis!


I was going to do a tear apart of AniFem’s review of this new release in what I’ll effectively call the ‘Fist of‘ franchise, even if it only consists of Fist of the North Star and Fist of the Blue Sky, essentially. However considering the overall feeling and legacy this cult classic property holds, I think I’ll do something that I bet AniFem refuses to do –...

Breaking the Narrative Episode 80: Introspection and Self-Reflection. Are We Doing a Good Job?


I’m sure many here have not only seen certain developments that been going for some time in relation to internet culture and interaction with what Raging Golden Eagle has called ‘meatspace.’ In fact I do kind of enjoy his approach to the subject of how society is evolving via ‘netspace’ interactions.…

Breaking the Narrative Episode 77: I Live Free Under My Flag! A Character Study of Captain Phantom F. Harlock!


When I started writing for the Honey Badgers about 2 years ago I  had discussed depictions of men in anime, namely because of some of my own participation in anime geekdom. Now I think its time I do something I’ve done before with Samus Aran but this time with one of my favorite fictional characters ever – Captain Phantom F.…

Breaking the Narrative Episode 75: Its Been Some Time AniFem. The Art and the Artist Argument!


Many times over the years many of us have been tackling these issues we have been dealing with Feminism and Social Justice’s complete hatred and attempt to pervert and overtake artistic endeavors and hobbies, the factors of enjoyment of life, likely due to the fact that so many men are motivated if not by family then by what gives them respite.…

Breaking the Narrative Episode 74: Hitting Close to Home. On the Marshall County High School Tragedy.


Hello again my fellow questioners, this week is probably going to lack my typical feel because this merits a more serious and somber tone. If you have paid attention to news articles at all in the past few weeks then you’ve likely heard of what happened in Benton, Kentucky – specifically at the Marshall County High School.…

Breaking the Narrative Episode 73: Around We Go Again! Breaking A Review of River City Rival Showdown!


As I’ve been talking about for the past month or so, back in November of last year (oddly enough released an exact year to the day I had this review published,) river City Rival Showdown was released stateside by Arc System Works. If you are big in the gaming scene you’ve probably heard as of late they were the ones developing the game Dragonball FighterZ and the like.…

Breaking the Narrative Episode 70: Another Series Overview? Mega Man, Addressing Male Disposability and Dehumanization 30 Years and Counting!


Alright, this time around I’m going back to this particular article series’ roots again by jumping on top of something very topical for this past week. I’m going straight back into video game lore. On December 4th on the official Twitch channel for Capcom, CapcomUnity, they did a livestream announcing the future of the Mega Man series with Mega Man 11 – the first new title...

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