
Honey Badger Radio: Feminist Grinches


Writer of satirical article has his home vandalized by SJWs Omar Mahmood, a student at the University of Michigan, was barred from writing in a student newspaper on campus after controversy erupted over an article he’d written. The article in question, “Do the Left Thing,” was a satirical piece poking fun at the ultra-liberal, overly sensitive branch of political left (aka...

DAMSELING – Pity Pumping


Pity pumping is a tactic that increases victim cred. To use it you first have to have victim cred to increase. If you don’t, if for instance you belong to a group that is designated as non-victims or non-victimizable, it will backfire. You won’t increase your victim cred you don’t have to begin with, you’ll just get labeled pathetic and some way to blame you for your plight will be found or...

The feminist crusade against fatherhood


Feminists will tell you that “Patriarchy” is the reason fathers are discriminated against in criminal court, via the presumption that women are better caregivers. That assertion is on a list that is being circulated and repeated by grassroots feminists in “debate,” without ever questioning its validity.…

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