
Uncle Sam’s Shop of Horrors | HBR Talk 330


We’re following up the last few weeks’ interruption of our deep dive into Suffragette history this week for to continue examining the weird and interesting information surrounding Ryan Routh and his assassination attempt on Trump.This week, we’re going to expand the discussion on a point that kind of intersects with that history, but to find out how, you’re going to have to give the show a listen...

What about gender roles during the American revolution? | HBR Talk 309


In our timeline of the historical context around the evolution of suffrage in countries influenced that had been English colonies, whose systems were influenced by the English parliamentary system & English common law, we have reached the American Revolution, and have been discussing what voting looked like at that time.…

The House vs the Pay Gap, Pausing the Case Against the Draft | HBR News 303


Hello and welcome to HBR News where we talk about the news of the week! This week we discuss the bill being pushed through the House of Representatives that will supposedly solve the “wage gap”, the Biden Administration asks the Supreme Court to drop the case currently challenging the constitutionality of the draft and selective service, the Australian kids’ show about dogs that...

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