
American Men Give Up On College While Afgani Women Get Gender Studies | HBR Society 1


Here we go again with another new show. God knows how many of these we will do before we do this again. On today’s show we will look at two articles that are related in ways you might not find obvious. One from the Wall Street Journal that talks about how men are feeling lost and purposeless in modern society, and one from the Spectator that talks about how hundreds of millions of dollars...

Trump Targets “White Male Privilege” Training, Dr. Dre’s Costly Divorce | HBR News 272


Hello and welcome to HBR News where we talk about the news of the week! This week we talk about the various battles the Foundation for Individual Rights on Education(FIRE) are embroiled in, Trump’s war on the progressive neo-Marxist attack on whiteness and especially maleness in the workplace, equal parenting rights in Nairobi, and more!…

Justice Jacks In to Jackie’s Jacked Up UVA Stories


For the first time since she was made infamous by the pseudonym Jackie in the now notorious Rolling Stone false rape UVA article, the woman whose lies started the whole mess will finally be facing a tiny bit of scrutiny. A judge has signed an order that compels Jackie to turn over communications between her and Rolling Stone in a lawsuit filed by Dean Nicole Eramo, suing Rolling Stone for nearly...

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