TPP, CISA, Cryptography, and the Future of The Web


Hello again Badgers. I contacted you before explaining how thanks to the work of clever math and crypto nerds, true censorship on the web has been made essentially impossible. To recap, the Tor anonymity network (and the Tor browser) can be made to look indistinguishable from any other encrypted channel on the net, and large corporate interests are too dependent on good crypto to let it be...

It’s Die CISA scum week at Honey Badger Radio


Badgerpod Nerdcast 55: Cyberpunk!
Join the Honey Badgers as we discuss
Host: Brian Martinez
Participants: Rachel Edwards, Hannah Wallen, Geek Variety aka. Radio Voice Guy
Date: November 1st, 2015
Time: 5 PM Eastern

Nerdrevolt 36: Die CISA-scum!
Join the badgers as we discuss  CISA and the threat to internet anonymity, Breibart Tech and South park getting a little wristy.…

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