
Devos Releases New Title IX Regulations, Biden To Remove Them “For the Wahmen!” | HBR News 255


Hello and welcome to HBR News where we talk about the news of the week! This week we look at a foreskin restoration company in Italy that is going to begin clinical trials, Betsy Devos brings back more due process rights to men via Title IX regulations, Joe Biden promises to reverse what Devos has done if elected president, a nurse steals from her dying patient, and MORE!…

Honey Badger Radio: FEMEN, freedom, and Women Against Feminism


Recently the media noticed a growing group of women online called “Women Against Feminism.” Despite the claim that feminism is about freedom of choice, feminists had no problem harassing these women for their beliefs.
With violent Radfem groups like FEMEN making headlines around the world, it’s easy to see how the average woman would have nothing in common with them.…

Honey Badger Radio: Doctor Money and the Destruction of David Reimer


In 1966 a little boy had his penis burned off during a circumcision. That little boy’s name was David Reimer.
Dr. John Money, A leading theorist on gender at the time decided the solution was to raise David as a girl. Dr. Money was a proponent of the “theory of Gender Neutrality” and believed he could reject David’s biochemical reality and substitute his own.…

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