
Breaking the Narrative 118: Little Girls Are Not Innocent Princesses! Breaking a Review of Rule of Rose!


In the spirit of being unpredictable I want to pull out a rare game as a way to show why the censorship of media is inherently troublesome. This is an example of a game that has been banned in multiple countries across the world, and was targeted with a ban attempt here in the states, though to no serious avail.…

Youtube’s first sandboxed video; white women get out! – Polecat News 124


Join us on this week’s polecat news show as we cover a child punished for not getting someone’s pronouns right, youtube’s first sanboxed video, and how white women are now out of the progressive stack. Join us on this week’s polecat news show as we cover a child punished for not getting someone’s pronouns right, youtube’s first sanboxed video, and how white...

Richard Dawkins de-platformed for sharing wrongthink


By Shachar Haad Last Wednesday (27 January), Richard Dawkins, an English ethologist, evolutionary biologist, and writer, retweeted a satirical video that made parallels between the Feminist Movement and the Islamic culture. As a result, Dawkins was uninvited from speaking at the Northeast Conference on Science and Skepticism, as the event planners believed the video was in made in poor taste and...

This upcoming week (Dec 14th-21st) on Honey Badger Radio!


Badger Cave: Title IX travesty!
Discussion of Hannah Wallen’s Title IX piece: Title IX abuse in university athletic programs
Event time: Monday, December 15, 9 PM Eastern
Host: Alison Tieman
Participants: Jonathan Taylor, Hannah Wallen and Sage Gerard


Badger Pod Nerd Cast 18
Gawker loses seven figures in ad revenue, pleb comics creator doxxed, and METALGATE!!!!…

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