TagCalgary Expo

Legal Suit update: It’s all about ethics in journalism


The Mary Sue cites its adherence to Ethical Journalistic Standards as part of it’s defense against having allegedly engaged in injurious slander against the Honey Badger Brigade. The Honey Badger Brigade has received a response from The Mary Sue in regards to the HBB’s legal suit against them for incitement to breech of contract and injurious slander in regards to the expulsion of the...

Honey Badger Brigade Legal Documents


These are the current legal documents submitted to the Alberta Provincial court for Honey Badger Brigade’s lawsuit against the Calgary Entertainment Expo Inc and Abrams Media, operating under the name the Mary Sue.  We are suing the Calgary Entertainment Expo for breech of contract and injurious falsehood and the Mary Sue for incitement of breech of contract and injurious falsehood...

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