
Breaking an Opinion Episode 6: Are Weebs Really Going To Win the Culture War?


Well this has been a hectic week so to speak, particularly within the vein of anime with the filing of the Vic Mignogna v. Funimation lawsuit. However, I am wanting to approach this from the possible consequences of this event. How this would change defamation law interpretations, how this might give the falsely accused more ways to fight back, and perhaps even the potential abolition of the...

Breaking the Narrative 118: Little Girls Are Not Innocent Princesses! Breaking a Review of Rule of Rose!


In the spirit of being unpredictable I want to pull out a rare game as a way to show why the censorship of media is inherently troublesome. This is an example of a game that has been banned in multiple countries across the world, and was targeted with a ban attempt here in the states, though to no serious avail.…

Did Andrew Kaczynski violate federal stalking law by demonizing a redditor and then threatening to expose his identity?


Consider Section 2261A of title 18, United States Code- Stalking against the article in which CNN threatened to expose the identity of a redditor credited with the creation of the WWE meme to which the organization took exception. Whoever— (1) travels in interstate or foreign commerce or is present within the special maritime and territorial jurisdiction of the United States, or enters or leaves...

11-year-old boy commits suicide in Spain


Commented translation of the suicide note of a Spanish 11-year-old boy. The case has been reopened.
Carmen González, the mother of the 11-year-old boy Diego, found out about her son’s suicide in a tragic way. She was supposed to go over some school lessons with him, but couldn’t find him in his room.…

Honey Badger Radio: Shit feminists say


We’re no strangers to the ravings of feminists. In fact, there’s very little that we haven’t seen or heard. With the popularity of the Women Against Feminism hashtag, the web is filled to the brim with feminist bullshit.
But sometimes there are things said that are exceptionally bad.…

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