TagBreaking the Narrative

Breaking the Narrative Episode 42: In Lieu of a Question, The Mary Sue Has an Answer?!”


I was planning on debunking some more AniFem bullshit but to my chagrin it seems Ameila Cook is… pretty damn lazy. So to go for something more recent, I searched something from this month concerning feminism and anime. What I got was… Marykate Jasper of The Mary Sue pushing something that I roundly debunked about a year ago before I started this particular feature series.…

Breaking the Narrative Episode 40: A Link to the Future! A Legend About Compassion for Men?


Last week I tore apart Sarkeesian’s arguement about The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild. This week I’m going to go into a potential reason why she did it. My hypothesis is if either she or McIntosh did play enough of it, the narrative it puts forward by the game centers around compassion for one’s fellow human beings… or in this case Hylians.…

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