
How ABC Helped Destroy Craig McLachlan, Male Teachers Wear Skirts in Spain | HBR News 309


Hello and welcome to HBR News where we talk about the news of the week! This week we discuss the resignation of BLM founder Patrice Cullors, how the Australian Broadcasting Company coerced accusations to ruin the life of actor Craig McLachlan, male feminist teachers in Spain wear skirts to promote feminism, a Virginia teacher is put on leave for refusing to use preferred pronouns, and more...

Women Drivers, Victoria School Forces Boys to Apologize, The Lie That Will Never Die | HBR News 300


Hello and welcome to HBR News where we talk about the news of the week! This week we discuss the Seuz Canal incident and the recent developments, the Australian school that forces boys to apologize for rape culture, the teen girls who carjacked and murdered an Uber driver, the soccer player Meghan Rapinoe, also known as the Rachael Maddow legendary skin, talks once again about the wage gap, the...

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