
Reddit Repost: “The Literal Patriarchy, Men And Masculinity”


This is a repost of an article I originally wrote for /r/Masculism and posted here: “Patriarchy” is typically used in gender studies to refer to one of two things; either a gender system which is masculosexist and femmephobic (Third Wave definition), or a gender system which is systematically constructed as a tool of class oppression by men to oppress women (Radical Second Wave...

MISANDRY – Male Resistance to the MRM


A Redditor named doch_doch has a new blog she has just started and it is definitely worth a look. (This is one of the cleverer screen names I have seen. It means “though, though” or “Oh but yes it is!” in German.)
She starts with:
“Imagine you’re a man in the US in the time prior to women’s right activism.”…

APEXUALITY – Women can do it too


Here’s an autobiographical article from a women who has succeeded in the advertising industry. What she is describing – women not helping women, not acting in solidarity with women, no longer feeling as if they are in the culture of women, is plain old apexuality.…

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