
MRAs dondu nuffin! and other “robust feminist arguments” | HBR Talk 97


HBR Talk takes a moment to consider some of the opposition we’ve encountered from twitter feminists, who seem to be quite irate that we have the audacity to discuss men’s issues without their supervision. Tune in @7:30 PM EST to hear us discuss their arguments, and our experiences addressing gender politics in conversations on social media.…

Whammon’s spaces: the gatekeeping of human rights considerations | HBR Talk 89


Feminists insist they’re being unfairly criticized for their gendered activism, and cite their toxic masculinity narrative as evidence that they support men, too, but how do they respond when men try to advocate for themselves? HBR Talk examines how the female victim identity is used to try to shut men’s advocates out of discussion on and the handling of human rights considerations...

You wot matriarch? A response to feminist territorial pressuring – HBR Talk 85


HBR Talk rips a strip off of feminism over one of its many interpersonal boundary issues: Their sense of entitlement to weaponize nonfeminist women against men, and against nonfeminist men’s issues advocacy. Tune in @ 7PM EST 0:03:10 – 0:13:49 — Hannah’s Intro (Take 3) 0:16:24 – 0:17:29 — On The Theory That Men Only Act In The Interest Of Other Men At The...

Pretty sneaky, sis – a victim identity cult tactic | HBR Talk 84


HBR Talk looks at feminists’ use of false labels and other orwellian language manipulation as a means of avoiding or heading off rational assessment of their ideas. Tune in at 7PM EST!

0:00:40 – 0:09:06 — Hannah’s Animated Into (audio is out of sync) 0:12:00 – 0:13:38 — Murder On The Job (Are women more likely to be murdered on the job than men?)…

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