Taganita sarkeesian

What Women Think of Feminist Frequency


Several months ago, I published two articles on my old blog, Black Trident Media, entitled “What Women Think of Feminist Frequency” in which I approached a number of women via social media and asked them to offer a counter-perspective to much of the common fluff concerning Anita Sarkeesian’s views in Feminist Frequency’s Tropes vs.…

Honey Badger Radio: Upcoming Shows September 28th- October 4th


Badgerpod Nerdcast 51: TRON Fights For the Users! Join the Honey Badgers as we discuss the Disn ey film TRON and it’s sequel: TRON: Legacy!  Host: Brian Martinez Participants: Mike(DoctorRandomercam), Rachel Edwards, Hannah Wallen Special Guest: Radio Voice Guy from @GeekVariety Date: September 28th, 2015 Time: 5 PM Eastern   Nerdrevolt 32: Google Safe Space Join the badgers as we...

Triggered by Red vs Blue


If there is one thing to know about me, is that I am a big Red vs Blue fan. I have probably watched most episodes 3 or 4 times, and some up to 6 times. I bring this up, because of a PSA video RoosterTeeth recently uploaded, dealing with the topic of trigger warnings.…

Feminists Not to the Rescue


Many of those outside the Men’s Human Rights Movement see us as anti-woman. That our distrust of feminism and our need to argue against it stems from our desire for things to return back to how society once was.
You spend time listening to the Honey Badgers, you would know that this perception has no foundation in reality.…

#gamergate cooties


The social justice warriors of the anti-gamergate mob have spent much of the last year exploiting any hint of victim status they could for attention and financial gain, from simply being offended over things they could avoid to the pain of other people’s still-unfolding tragedies.…

Upcoming Shows this week(Jan 18 – 25) on Honey Badger Radio


Badger Pod Nerdcast 21: Villains and Victims, 5th Edition Join the badgers as we discuss the invasion of table top gaming. Host: Brian Martinez Participants: Sour Grape, Rachel Edwards, Anna Cherry, Mike(DoctorRandomercam), Hannah Wallen Date: January 19th, 2015 Time: 5 PM Eastern     Honey Badger Radio: The Sarkeesian Effect Deus Ex Machina: the ghost in the media Join the badgers as...

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