
Breaking an Opinion Episode 6: Are Weebs Really Going To Win the Culture War?


Well this has been a hectic week so to speak, particularly within the vein of anime with the filing of the Vic Mignogna v. Funimation lawsuit. However, I am wanting to approach this from the possible consequences of this event. How this would change defamation law interpretations, how this might give the falsely accused more ways to fight back, and perhaps even the potential abolition of the...

Breaking the Narrative Episode 109:We Are Plato’s Philosopher. The Lesson of Gurren Lagann!


Happy New Year and Welcome Back! I hope you had a good holiday season whatever you celebrate! Tim… Winter-een-mas is never gonna be a thing much less what you’ll be remembered for….accept it and the LOSS! Now that I have that dead set of memes out of the way I bet you are wondering “What are you talking about today Alex and where is that Gundam shit you promised...

Breaking the Narrative Episode 99: Feminists Can’t Write Heroines! A Comparison Between Cinema Heroines and an Anime Heroine!


Within this past month we’ve seen the latest Marvel Cinematic Universe trailer of Captain Marvel. The title character is written in the frame of the more feminist variant of recent comics if the trailer is any indication. This is one in a long line of feminist protagonists that no one can find likable.…

Breaking the Narrative Episode 96: Fandom isn’t Toxic Trekspertise. Put Down the Kool-Aid.


This week I’m covering a request from a fan of my work here: A YouTube video by Trekspertise called “The Rise of Toxic Fandom: A Theory.” Since this is a rarity for my work I’m simply attaching the direct video link. I do have to request you not leave any comments on the video as due to the fact I don’t believe it will do any good, though it might help to have this...

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