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The “P” Pass Saves Allison Mack, Sound of Freedom Get’s the Media in a Frenzy | HBR News 413


Hello and welcome to HBR News where we talk about the news of the week! This week we talk about the recent release of former Smallville actress Allison Mack’s release after serving prison time for her involvement with a sex cult, Sound of Freedom gets odd pushback from main stream media outlets, Ben and Jerry’s suffer losses over comments on July 4th, and more!…

ComicsGate, Isom, and the Importance of Stories With Eric July of the Rippaverse | Fireside Chat 224


Join us on the Fireside Chat as we speak with special guest Eric July. Eric is well known in the comic book and culture war sphere as a commentator on cultural issues like comic books, film and music. He is himself a musician, writer and entrepreneur with his own comic book universe called the Rippaverse and his launch comic Isom has raised over a million dollars from story hungry supporters who...

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