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Military Mom Donna Santucci Fights False Allegations | Fireside Chat 256


Join us on the Fireside Chat as we speak with Donna Santucci, a mother of Anthony Santucci, an Army soldier who is currently serving a Court Martial sentence at Fort Leavenworth Kansas after being falsely accused of Sexual Assault, speaks in front of the Defense Advisory Committee on the Investigation, Prosecution, and Defense of Sexual Assault in the Armed Forces.…

Gravy Train Derailment | HBR Talk 340


This week on HBR Talk, we’re concluding our discussion of the issues raised by the Marco Polo report, by looking at the recent senate report and some relevant media from around the start of the Ukraine war. What does the Biden influence pedaling and a corrupt utility company have to do with US involvement in that was?…

Trump card-v-actual nuclear option? | HBR Talk 339


This week on HBR Talk, we’re interrupting our slog through relevant parts of the Marco Polo report on the Biden crime family to go over an article on just how close Biden brought us to total annihilation, sent to me by a fellow gen-Xer. Could awareness of this possibility be the reason behind the historical male vote in the 2024 US presidential election?…

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