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Honey Badger Radio: We came, we saw, we badgered on


Last week the world witnessed an historic event. A Voice for Men’s First International Conference on Men’s Issues (ICMI) successfully brought together men’s issues and men’s rights activists and advocates from around the world. Despite death threats, protests, and last-minute venue changes, AVfM and the men’s rights movement persevered.…

Honey Badger Radio: Being Badger


We’re told we’re in it for the money, for the fame, for the attention. We’re told we’re Stepford Wives, that we don’t know our own minds, that we suffer from internalized misogyny. We’re called bitches, sister-destroyers, and gender-traitors.
We’re female men’s rights activists.…

Badger Pod Nerd Cast Two


Rick and Morty – Overview and Episode 7(written by DoctorRandomercam)
Rick and Morty is what happens when a dispossessed Dan Harmon stomps away from Community, grabs the most warped and disturbing cartoonist he can find on the internet – one Justin Roiland – and they go to Adult Swim, get presumably blackout drunk together… and create a Back to the Future cartoon.…

Honey Badger Radio: Doctor Money and the Destruction of David Reimer


In 1966 a little boy had his penis burned off during a circumcision. That little boy’s name was David Reimer.
Dr. John Money, A leading theorist on gender at the time decided the solution was to raise David as a girl. Dr. Money was a proponent of the “theory of Gender Neutrality” and believed he could reject David’s biochemical reality and substitute his own.…

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