CategoryReader Submissions

Feminist and social justice editions: Pournelle’s Iron Law of Bureaucracy


By Not Faber451
In George Orwell’s novel Nineteen Eighty-Four, the three super states Oceania, Eurasia and Eastasia are always at war with each other. The true purpose of the war is revealed near the two-third mark of the plot: the war exists to be a drain on manpower and resources, so living standards cannot improve in a way that will disrupt the current balance of power.…

Different Names, Same Pain


Every day, I wake up Every day, I hear the same two words uttered in different ways   Every man All men   What follows next is not always the same But in the end they have the same hurtful meaning   Simple-minded Sex-crazed   And when someone utters the words not all, they get called different names with the same pain intended   Misogynist Anti-feminist   Every day I...

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