CategoryRelationship Advice for Men

Former Miss Great Britain can’t find a man, lets take a look at why | Dating Advice


Join us on today’s show as we look at and discuss a Daily Mail piece about April Banbury, the former Ms. Great Britain of 2020. She has a dilemma; despite being a beauty queen who is among the top 1% of women in terms of desirability, she is doing well with men in terms of sex and dating, but not so well in terms of commitment.…

Paulina Porizkova: the Accidental Supermodel Men Dared To Reject | Maintaining Frame 7


Join us on today’s show as we delve into the cavernous depths of an interview with the former supermodel Paulina Porizkova. In the 80s she was the cat’s meow and was desired by men everywhere, but she chose to date rock stars. Now, at age 56, while she still looks great for her age, she laments the lack of attention she gets from men, in particular men that she would not be disgusted...

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