Welcome to the show where we will be reacting to the trailer for the newest BBC Netflix series “Adolescence” as well as looking at some related articles.
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Badgers Christmas Hootenanny!
It’s that most wonderful time of the year again where we will be taking your comments and thought this yule tide season where we admonish the Santa deniers! Join us on our X Space and give your thoughts!
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Young men are lost, women most affected | Maintaining Frame 107
Join us on the show as we look at a video from struthless which attempts to solve the question of the lost young men! Hint: It’s not online masculinity! Join us at 5pm Eastern!
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The Problem with Lesbian Romance Novels! | Red Chill Cinema
Join us on the show as we look at a video by sunny book nook where they discuss the problem with lesbians….. in fictional romance. Join us at 5pm Eastern!
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How Hollywood fails strong female characters | Red Chill Cinema
Join us on the show as we look at a video by Broey Deschanel where they discuss the ways that Hollywood failed Daenerys! Join us at 5pm Eastern!
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Gamergate lives! Open discussion with the Badger | Badger Pod GamerGate 2
Join us either here or on X/Twitter as we talk about the latest and our thoughts on GamerGate 2!
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The First MGTOW: Shawdon the Fisherman’s Son | Red Chill Cinema
Hello and welcome to Red Chill Cinema where Brian and Alison look at a fairy tale called Shawdon the Fisherman’s Son. Join us at 5pm Eastern!
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Velma Season 2 is Confirmed, but Scooby-Doo Parody Was Done Better Years Before? | Red Chill Cinema
Hello and welcome to Red Chill Cinema where Brian and Alison look at the news of a second season of Mindy Kailing’s Velma show and make a comparison to Doc Hammer and Jackson Publick’s own Scooby-Doo parody for their hit show The Venture Bros.…
Our Picks for the Top Father-Focused Films! | Red Chill Cinema
Hello and welcome to Red Chill Cinema where Brian and Alison pitch some thoughts on the best films about fatherhood! What are some good examples on your list?
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Is horror movie ‘Men’ misandrous or secretly pro-Men’s rights? | Red Chill
Hello and welcome to Red Chill Cinema where Brian and Alison talk about the absolute state of our narrative culture. Today we will be looking at British folk horror film “Men”, by Alex Garland, director of other films such as Ex Machina and Annihilation.…
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