Welcome to Maintaining Frame where we will be looking at a few different videos and sources discussing the loneliness crisis among women. Tune in at 4pm EST
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Are You Team Thinking Ape or Team Sargon of Akkad? | Maintaining Frame 128
Welcome to Maintaining Frame where we will be looking at the reaction to the Trump electoral victory from two perspectives: Sargon of Akkad and Thinking Ape. One thinks this is a good thing for men, another does not. Tune in at 4pm EST
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Men, we shame you because we care! | Maintaining Frame 127
Welcome to Maintaining Frame where we will be looking at some content from “Libertarian Feminist” Hannah Cox, and atheist real man DarkMatter2525. They will help us see what a REAL man is. Tune in at 4pm EST
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You disagree with me? You’re in a cult! | Maintaining Frame 126
Welcome to Maintaining Frame where we will be looking at a couple of videos by two leftovers of the old atheist “movement” from the early 2010s. In search of new relevance, DarkMatter2525 and science fan Thunderf00t are going to tell us why we are entering a new era of “idiocracy.”…
Women on sex strike, men to blame! | Maintaining Frame 125
Welcome to Maintaining Frame where we will be looking at the latest from Hannah Cox where she reacts to the largely feminist response to the Trump victory. In this video, Cox discusses the reactions of women to Trump’s election win, exploring themes of political despair, the 4B movement, and the importance of understanding economic desperation in voting behavior.…
Why You are Hopeless With Women | Maintaining Frame 123
Welcome to Maintaining Frame where we will be reacting to another female dating strategy adjacent woman named “everything with eve” who is going to womansplain to you why you are not selfish enough to attract someone. Join us at 4pm EST.…
‘Lonely men are not our problem’ RE: Hannah Cox | Maintaining Frame 122
Welcome to Maintaining Frame where we will be reacting toHannah Cox and her “reaction” and “input” on the male loneliness “problem.”
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Feminism was always like that | Maintaining Frame 121
Welcome to Maintaining Frame where we will be reacting to a couple of historical videos that look back at the 2nd wave Feminist movement following World War 2 and how nothing has really changed. Feminism was always rotten, news at 11. Join us at 5:30pm Eastern!…
The Party of Single Women is watching you | Maintaining Frame 120
Welcome to Maintaining Frame where we will be reacting to a clip from the most popular podcast in the world with women, Call Me Daddy. The host Alex Cooper will be talking to none other than Kamala Harris! I’m sure this will be a very enlightening conversation that dives deep into policy and geo-political philosophy.…
Men, these hobbies give women the ick! | Maintaining Frame 119
Welcome to Maintaining Frame where we will be reacting to a livestream by the Distributist called “Sports and Hobbies” where he gives his perspective on the “Least attractive hobbies for men according to women.” Can we figure this out?…
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