CategoryFireside Chat

Discussing the Men’s Movement With Feminist Rachel | Fireside Chat 183


Join us on the Fireside Chat with special guest Rachel. Rachel is an artist, animator and teacher who recently appeared on a podcast criticizing Dr. Warren Farrell’s book The Myth of Male Power. Alison decided it might be good for us to go through the podcast and see what arguments are being made, in so doing we attracted the attention of Rachel, who agreed to come on our show to talk with...

Bringing Back Our Fathers With Dereck Reynolds of | Fireside Chat 181


Join us on the Fireside Chat with special guest Dereck Reynolds, founder of the pro-fatherhood organization Hug-A-Dad is a non-profit organization with a focus on helping new fathers who want to be involved with the lives of their children get the most out of fatherhood while also preparing them for the challenges that fatherhood introduces to a young new dad’s life.…

Discussing the Evolution of Feminism With Prof. Edward Dutton| Fireside Chat 180


Join us on the Fireside Chat with special guest Professor Edward Dutton as we talk about why feminism exists, death cults, testosterone levels, the insanity of leftism, and more! Tune in @2pm Eastern!

Professor Edward Dutton’s YouTube channel covers a wide variety of controversial topics such as gender, politics, evolution, IQ, academia and more!…

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