CategoryFireside Chat

Speaking With Brendan Marotta on the Use of Critical Theory to Protect Children | Fireside Chat 203


Join us on the Fireside Chat with special guest Brendan Marotta regarding his newest book Children’s Justice. In Children’s Justice, Marotta builds the case for using Left wing tactics and tools to end male genital mutilation. Chiefly among these is the idea of using Critical Theory and Social Justice to appeal to institutions and hopefully put the discussion of children’s...

Speaking With Tolkien Lore Enthusiasts on the Culture War That Has Come For Them | Fireside Chat 202


Join us on the Fireside Chat with special guests as we discuss the issues faced by Tolkien lore enthusiasts on YouTube and other social media spaces as a product of being caught up in the culture war. Can one remain neutral on the position of whether or not the new Amazon series The Rings of Power or should they speak out?…

Speaking With Guest Danny Roddy on Baldness and Finasteride | Fireside Chat 195


Join us on the Fireside Chat with special guest Danny Roddy as we discuss male pattern baldness and the industry that exists surrounding it. Danny Roddy has been independently researching and writing about health since 2007. He wrote a #1 best-selling free Amazon book in 2013 called, HAIR LIKE A FOX: A Bioenergetic View of Pattern Hair Loss, produced a free video lesson course called Organizing...

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