Join us on the Fireside Chat as we speak with special guest Chandler Remington. Chandler is a paralegal looking to become an attorney and recently left feminism as an ideology in favor of a more just view of divorce, domestic violence and sexual assault/r*pe.…
Speaking With Tin Men, a Men’s Issues Advocate | Fireside Chat 225
Join us on the Fireside Chat as we speak with special guest Tin Men. Tin Men runs several sites and tried to discuss men’s issues from a leftist progressive perspective. Tune in at 3pm eastern!
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ComicsGate, Isom, and the Importance of Stories With Eric July of the Rippaverse | Fireside Chat 224
Join us on the Fireside Chat as we speak with special guest Eric July. Eric is well known in the comic book and culture war sphere as a commentator on cultural issues like comic books, film and music. He is himself a musician, writer and entrepreneur with his own comic book universe called the Rippaverse and his launch comic Isom has raised over a million dollars from story hungry supporters who...
Talking About Male Criminal Psychology and Mental Health With Dr. Naomi Murphy | Fireside Chat 223
Join us on the Fireside Chat as we speak with special guest Dr. Naomi Murphy. Dr. Murphy is a clinical psychologist and therapist with a particular interest in trauma-focused services and works with convicts to help them find meaning.…
Talking With Transmaxxer Tina(Llamato) About Her Journey | Fireside Chat 222
Join us on the Fireside Chat as we speak with special guest Tina as we discuss the transmaxxing trend, which is transgender women who try to maximize their ability to pass as female. Tune in @4pm Eastern!…
Delving into the Rabbit Hole that is Cross-Dressing “Litrotica” with TL;DR | Fireside Chat 220
Join us on the Fireside Chat as we speak with special guest TL;DR as we look at some books and stories that relate to a phenomenon that has some interesting correlations to things that are happening to children today. Could there be any links? Tune in @4pm Eastern!…
Speaking With That Guy Pete About Men, Women and Men’s Rights | Fireside Chat 220
Join us on the Fireside Chat as we speak with special guest That Guy Pete You Refuse to Invite to Gatherings. TGP has a youtube channel where he discusses a variety of different subjects, though they mostly seem oriented around men. Tune in @7pm Eastern!…
Talking Male Victims of Sexual Assault With Author Dr. Kelli Palfy | Fireside Chat 220
Join us on the Fireside Chat as we speak with special guest Dr. Kelli Palfy as we discuss male victims of sexual assault and other related issues. Tune in @5:30pm Eastern!
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Speaking With Special Guest Mike on Parental Alienation and Divorce | Fireside Chat 219
Join us on the Fireside Chat as we speak with special guest Mike as we shares his own story of divorce and parental alienation. Tune in @5pm Eastern!
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Title IX and the Dear Colleague Letter on Trial! | Fireside Chat 218
Join us on the call-in show as we take your comments and look at some recent trends and patters occurring within the independent media sphere, specifically independent conservative media! Tune in at 6pm Eastern!
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