Join us on the Fireside Chat as we chat with Matt. Matt runs a channel called Effective Purpose, where he tried to give some Christian perspectives on men’s self improvement, and how the church fails men. Tune in at 6pm Eastern! Let’s chat!…
Talking With Red-Pill Aware Trad Con Lasta About What We Might Have Wrong | Fireside Chat 242
Join us on the Fireside Chat as we chat with Lasta, a red pill aware trad con who has a focus on men’s self improvement and building good intersexual dynamics in marriage. Can men protect themselves in the modern world against women and the systems they have at their disposal by just manning up more?…
Talking With Ray, Documentarian Who Created the #GamerGate Documentary Airplay | Fireside Chat 241
Join us on the Fireside Chat as we chat with Ray, a documentarian who created and compiled all the footage for a documentary about GamerGate, the consumer revolt of 2014. Tune in at 5pm Eastern! Let’s chat!
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Talking With Tachyon Blue and the Present State of His Gamergate Book Interviews | Fireside Chat 240
Join us on the Fireside Chat as we chat with Tachyon Blue about his in progress book about the consumer revolt called gamergate. Tune in at 6:30pm Eastern! Let’s chat!
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Talking To Cesar Quintana, Who’s Son Was Abducted By His EX & Taken To Ukraine | Fireside Chat 239
Join us on the Fireside Chat as we chat with Cesar Quintana, who has a crazy story to tell regarding an ex who abducted his son and fled to the Ukraine. You don’t want to miss this! Tune in at 3pm Eastern! Let’s chat!
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Speaking With BX, the person who broke the Department of Homeland Security Story | Fireside Chat 238
Join us on the Fireside Chat as we chat with @bx_on_x who made us aware of a plan to use social media to redirect our content and others like it towards “safe” options. Tune in at 6pm Eastern! Let’s chat!
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Speaking With Brooke Buckeyebettie, Men’s Advocate and Commentator | Fireside Chat 236
Join us on the Fireside Chat as we chat with @.buckeyebettie who runs a YouTube channel called Ms. RedPill and talks about men, men’s issues, gender and more. Tune in at 7pm Eastern! Let’s chat!
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Talking About AI With the OG Men’s Rights “Machine” David J. Borromeo | Fireside Chat 236
Join us on the Fireside Chat as we chat with David J. Borromeo(formerly Kursat Peckgoz). David used to work with the National Coalition for Men and worked on policy related to Title IX. He wants to bring attention to what he finds a disturbing and troubling event regarding Google’s AI which he believes has gone sentient.…
Chatting With Aussie Men’s Advocate Wallace Unchained | Fireside Chat 235
Join us on the Fireside Chat as we chat with YouTuber Wallace Unchained. Wallace does philosophical content and tries to make sense of the modern world by digging to its roots. Let’s chat! Tune in @ 6pm Eastern!
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Men’s Shelter Under Threat! CAFE’s Justin Trottier Calls for Help | Fireside Chat 234
Join us on the Fireside Chat as we chat with founder of the Canadian Centre for Men and Families Justin Trottier. They are facing opposition and need help to move past this. You may have heard that the CCMF is facing newly organized opposition by groups who are seeking to block the expansion of services and shelters for boys and men.…
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