CategoryFireside Chat

Talking With Political Introvert and “Bernie Bro” Arthur Lieber | Fireside Chat 145


Join us on the Fireside Chat as we talk with former Congressional Candidate, Educator and political introvert Arthur Lieber as we discuss education reform, empathy, and what a politiucal introvert is. Tune in @4pm Eastern!

Where to find Arthur:

Political Introverts: How Empathetic Voters Can Help Save American Politics…

Retired Lawyer John Davis on the Harvey Weinstein Verdict: Was Justice Served? | Fireside Chat 143


Join us on the Fireside Chat with special guest John Davis BA JD LLM as we unpack the verdict of one Harvey Weinstein who was found guilty of criminal sexual assault in the first degree and rape in the third degree. he was also acquitted of the most serious charges(2 counts of predatory sexual assault and one count of first degree rape) after a five day deliberation.…

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