CategoryFireside Chat

Military Mom Donna Santucci Fights False Allegations | Fireside Chat 256


Join us on the Fireside Chat as we speak with Donna Santucci, a mother of Anthony Santucci, an Army soldier who is currently serving a Court Martial sentence at Fort Leavenworth Kansas after being falsely accused of Sexual Assault, speaks in front of the Defense Advisory Committee on the Investigation, Prosecution, and Defense of Sexual Assault in the Armed Forces.…

The Recent Ws of Justin Trottier of the Canadian Centre for Men and Families | Fireside Chat 255


Join us on the Fireside Chat as we speak with Justin Trottier, the Founder and CEO of the Canadian Centre for Men and Families. The Canadian Centre for Men and Families is Vancouver’s hub for boys, men, fathers and families. We proactively foster healthy boys and men by filling critical gaps in men’s services that reduce male suicide, empower fathers undergoing separation and divorce, and help...

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