CategoryBadger Talk

The badgers discuss… anything really, or nothing at all.

Where did Women’s Studies come from? | HBR Talk 300


We’re two Thursdays into whammon’s history month. Last week we took a break from whammon’s studies to learn about the marxist history of International Whammon’s day. Tonight, we’re returning to our academic pursuits to learn more about the totally organic academic gender revolution with its totally legitimate corporate and government sponsors.…

Do feminists always project? HBR Talk 292


Feminists like to accuse men in general, especially men in the men’s rights movement, of basing their values and intentions on controlling & violent impulses & ideology. In the past, when MRAs have documented evidence of female behavior that constitutes a serious men’s issue, feminists have accused those maintaining the documentation of stalking, harassment, and threatening women just for...

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