CategoryBadger Talk

The badgers discuss… anything really, or nothing at all.

We have to talk about the bear | An HBR production


I didn’t want to do this, because I feel like this meme has already been mauled to death by angry feminists, and the people who responded to their blatant statements of prejudice. That’s probably why I put it off until it was pretty much going to be labeled an afterthought, but the more discussion I’ve seen and heard on the bear vs man topic, the more I realized this has to be done.…

What about gender roles during the American revolution? | HBR Talk 309


In our timeline of the historical context around the evolution of suffrage in countries influenced that had been English colonies, whose systems were influenced by the English parliamentary system & English common law, we have reached the American Revolution, and have been discussing what voting looked like at that time.…

What does suffrage history look like? | HBR Talk 307


Over the last 2 weeks, as part of the context related to the development of suffrage in nations influenced by the English parliamentary system, we delved into the related history of gynocentrism, by discussing the difference between gynocentrism, and gynocentric culture, reading an article on the subject from Peter Wright’s reference site,…

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