CategoryBadger Talk

The badgers discuss… anything really, or nothing at all.

You wot matriarch? A response to feminist territorial pressuring – HBR Talk 85


HBR Talk rips a strip off of feminism over one of its many interpersonal boundary issues: Their sense of entitlement to weaponize nonfeminist women against men, and against nonfeminist men’s issues advocacy. Tune in @ 7PM EST 0:03:10 – 0:13:49 — Hannah’s Intro (Take 3) 0:16:24 – 0:17:29 — On The Theory That Men Only Act In The Interest Of Other Men At The...

Pretty sneaky, sis – a victim identity cult tactic | HBR Talk 84


HBR Talk looks at feminists’ use of false labels and other orwellian language manipulation as a means of avoiding or heading off rational assessment of their ideas. Tune in at 7PM EST!

0:00:40 – 0:09:06 — Hannah’s Animated Into (audio is out of sync) 0:12:00 – 0:13:38 — Murder On The Job (Are women more likely to be murdered on the job than men?)…

Wrongthink Boogeyman: A glitch in the matrix | HBR Talk 72


What is scarier than your worst fear? The answer, for a victim identity cultist, is facing information that challenges a bias you’re accustomed to treating as a balanced view.
HBR Talk discusses the disconnect that happens in gender issues discussion when concepts MRAs introduce challenge the foundational attitudes & beliefs behind folks’ narratives.…

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