CategoryBadger Talk

The badgers discuss… anything really, or nothing at all.

A social construct by any other name | HBR Talk 93


Ever hear the one about the feminist activists who decided we need more women in autism? Well, neither had we, until recently. Anna Cherry, Prim Reaper, and Hannah Wallen discuss the issue of making autism a gender issue. Tune in @ 7:30PM EST! 00:00:35 – 00:07:47 — Hannah’s Illustrated Opening 00:11:07 – 00:14:25 — Boy Brains And Girl Brains Are Different...

Whammon’s spaces: the gatekeeping of human rights considerations | HBR Talk 89


Feminists insist they’re being unfairly criticized for their gendered activism, and cite their toxic masculinity narrative as evidence that they support men, too, but how do they respond when men try to advocate for themselves? HBR Talk examines how the female victim identity is used to try to shut men’s advocates out of discussion on and the handling of human rights considerations...

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