CategoryBadger Talk

The badgers discuss… anything really, or nothing at all.

A tale of two feminisms! Dueling narratives on equality | HBR Talk 116


HBR Talk discusses feminism’s dueling narratives on equality, and their effects on the overall human rights dialogue. How does this affect feminist responses to men’s rights advocacy? Tune in at 7:30PM EST (12:30AM GMT)

HBR Talk discusses feminism’s dueling narratives on equality, and their effects on the overall human rights dialogue.…

#MenAreHuman – HBR Talk 111


Are men allowed to be human? Feminist narratives on men’s suffering indicate that the answer is “no,” yet feminists think their ideology can address men’s human rights issues. Join HBR Talk at 7:30PM EST as we discuss the dysfunction in these narratives, and why addressing men’s issues must begin with respecting men’s humanity.…

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