CategoryBadger Talk

The badgers discuss… anything really, or nothing at all.

Prim Reaper: Suggestions to Improve Outcomes for Male DV victims – HBR Talk 198


Tune in to HBR Talk 198 as Prim Reaper discusses her report, Suggestions to Improve Outcomes for Male Victims of Domestic Abuse: A Review of the Literature, with Deborah Powney, whose report, Male victims of Coercive Control, Experiences and Impact, found that male victims experience severe and longstanding negative effects from female perpetrated coercive control, and that their needs are not...

On the Sexual Assault of Men | HBR Talk 194


Deborah Powney joins HBR Talk this week to look at a recent report on the sexual assault of men. The discussion streams on multiple platforms. You can tune into the youtube livestream, or find other viewing options on  This video is not made for children, but we have also not age-restricted it, because anyone who is old enough to receive sex education in their health...

WTH is female dating strategy? | HBR Talk 192


This week, HBR Talk will be looking at a Guardian article, “‘Sales funnels’ and high-value men: the rise of strategic dating” by Katie Cunningham, in comparison to the reaction of feminist and other women to male pickup artistry. You can tune in to the youtube livestream, or find other viewing and listening options for that time or later, on…

Breaking the glasses | HBR Talk 191


This week, HBR Talk will discuss how “strong women” narratives miss the difference between taking charge, and demanding to be in charge, and how that affects women’s impact on their environments and the people who share them. You can tune in to the youtube livestream, or find other viewing and listening options for that time or later, on…

Equity: Identitarians’ newspeak-shield for discrimination | HBR Talk 189


This week, HBR Talk will examine how victim identitarians use the social justice “equity” narrative as a shield against opposition to vindictive discrimination. The discussion streams on multiple platforms. You can tune in to the youtube livestream, or find other viewing and listening options for that time or later, on…

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