CategoryBadger Talk

The badgers discuss… anything really, or nothing at all.

Feminists hate this one fact about sex trafficking | HBR Talk 208


The recent trial of Ghislaine Maxwell temporarily brought the public’s attention to an aspect of the sex trade industry that receives less consideration than it should: Female human traffickers.The details of Maxwell’s charges indicated a high level of managerial involvement in crimes that had previously been strictly attributed to Jeffery Epstein.…

Three personal consequences of society’s addiction to female victimhood | HBR Talk 207


Remember that twitter conversation I talked about a couple of weeks ago when we were looking at the end of that dating advice article from the gold-digger forum?Oh. My. Giddy. Aunt. Sally.If you want to see just how off the rails an unstable woman can get, tell her that her right to control her own body comes with a responsibility to control her own body, and then stand your ground in the face of...

CRT, datamining, and woke-testing… oh, boy! | HBR Talk 202


This week, HBR Talk will discuss issues surrounding the imposition of critical race theory on students and families in local school systems, the demonization of parents who have questioned this initiative, the use of federal authority as a weapon against those parents, and of course, that coincidence that is totally not a conflict of interest.…

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