CategoryHangout Announcements

Upcoming during the Holidays on Honey Badger Radio: Silent open lines


Silent Open Lines
It’s once again time for Honey Badger Radio’s annual Silent Open Lines. How it works is that we are available to take your call either on air or off air, if you wish to speak privately. We know that the holidays can be a lonely time for many men, so please call in with anything you like: news, funny stories, or if you just need an ear for the holidays.…

This upcoming week (Dec 14th-21st) on Honey Badger Radio!


Badger Cave: Title IX travesty!
Discussion of Hannah Wallen’s Title IX piece: Title IX abuse in university athletic programs
Event time: Monday, December 15, 9 PM Eastern
Host: Alison Tieman
Participants: Jonathan Taylor, Hannah Wallen and Sage Gerard


Badger Pod Nerd Cast 18
Gawker loses seven figures in ad revenue, pleb comics creator doxxed, and METALGATE!!!!…

Badger Pod Nerd Cast 16: Miss Impossible! Navigating the Minefield of Writing Female Characters


Superfemmes! How to or not to write or draw women in comics! Comic books, like many other mediums of expression, have quite the checkered past. Comics, at least in the mainstream, have been used as propaganda during World War II in the 1930s and 1940s, were under attack by psychiatrists and politicians for corrupting American youth in the 1950s, entered the Atomic Age with wide-eyed wonder and...

This upcoming week(Nov 30th-Dec 6th) on Honey Badger Radio!


Badger Cave: Bill Cosby and the Quest for More Pudding Part II Event time: December 1, 9 PM Eastern Host: Alison Tieman Participants: Hannah Wallen, Brian Martinez, and SourGrape     Badger Pod Nerd Cast 16: Miss Impossible! (How to write a feminist female character) Event time: December 2, 7 PM Eastern Event host: Brian Martinez Event participants: Rachel Edwards, Mike (DrRandomercam)...

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