CategoryPosts by Commentators

Valerie Keefe tells a fellow feminist some home truths about what MRAs think of feminism and why


Commenter Valerie Keefe, a feminist, posted this comment to an article here. It was a re-post of a comment at the site she mentions below, where the blogger had posted a list of supposedly pro-male posts by feminists.
Most of the comment thread is interesting, worth a read, although in the end it dissolves into a bunch of puerility.…

TALES OF THE RED PILL – Hogpunk’s Journey


Commenter Hogpunk contributed a comment in my thread about sons of feminists that I found so to the point that I asked if I could post it as an article, and he has graciously assented:
Hello Genderratic,
Gingko asked me for permission to post this comment I made on your blog; this is a cleaned up and very slightly altered version which I am more happy with.…

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