
Ending the empathy apartheid: musing on the nature of gender dynamics

Breaking the Narrative Episode 88: The Real Way AI is Going to Take Over The World! A Review of Beatless!


I’ve decided to cover this particular series because it’s gone particularly far for an anime in this day and age, and is still on going, surprisingly. This is unusual for a non-franchise anime in the current industry. The reason I’ve made this decision is not just because this ends up becoming Dave Cullen’s worst nightmares made manifest, but it touches upon the plight of...

Breaking the Narrative Episode 86: Wax On, Whacked Off! An Overview of The Karate Kid Parts 1 – 3!


With the advent of YouTube’s Cobra Kai net-only live action show we are given a unique chance to not only see various different forms of mentorship and masculine interaction but how perspective can make or break the context of an action.  However, to begin doing this we need the entirety of the core work this is a supplement to.…

Breaking The Narrative Episode 84: Aim for the Top! A Review of Megalo Box!


Something I’ve been noticing this season of anime is a lot of anime coming out that show the true nature of men and masculinity. Either through what we’ve gone over with emotion in Souten No Ken Regenesis, or with the nature of a show I plan on covering later called Devil’s Line, which not only tackles demonization and isolation, but the loneliness that occurs from it.…

Breaking the Narrative Episode 83 : Can A Bloodsoaked Demon Shed Tears? Fist of the Blue Sky: ReGenesis!


I was going to do a tear apart of AniFem’s review of this new release in what I’ll effectively call the ‘Fist of‘ franchise, even if it only consists of Fist of the North Star and Fist of the Blue Sky, essentially. However considering the overall feeling and legacy this cult classic property holds, I think I’ll do something that I bet AniFem refuses to do –...

Breaking the Narrative Episode 80: Introspection and Self-Reflection. Are We Doing a Good Job?


I’m sure many here have not only seen certain developments that been going for some time in relation to internet culture and interaction with what Raging Golden Eagle has called ‘meatspace.’ In fact I do kind of enjoy his approach to the subject of how society is evolving via ‘netspace’ interactions.…

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