
Ending the empathy apartheid: musing on the nature of gender dynamics

Breaking the Narrative Episode 107: Physical Hobbies Are Still Relevant! The Importance of Building!


Nowadays with video games and so much of our lives taking place online, it can be easily forgotten that there are hobbies that really don’t need any electrical influence. In fact, I think such hobbies are a necessity to a healthy mind for just about anyone, especially if the hobby involves something such as physical craftsmanship.…

Breaking the Narrative Episode 106: Diverse Superheroes Already Existed. Lies You Say? Check This Out!


This previous week has seen a lot of dust stirred up with some old classics being brought up again in the forms of Netflix dropping Neon Genesis Evangelion and dropping the bombshell of a live-action remake of Cowboy Bebop. Both are seminal classics to be sure, and both are open to in-depth talks, obviously. …

Breaking the Narrative Episode 105: Entertainment is Pushing Forward, The Second Video Game Crash Looms!


Video Gaming as its evolved over the years has helped bridge a lot of gaps, despite the urging of puritans to push forth needless conflict. This is because if they can keep us distracted with their brands of propaganda and keep us from realizing that the one harming us isn’t our neighbor but the ones directing power, then they can rest easy knowing that they can just fatten and grow...

Breaking the Narrative Episode 104: Happy International Men’s Day 2018! Flexible Mentorship!


Today on this International Men’s Day of 2018 the theme of the day is strong male role models. Now I’ve talked about male mentors and the importance of mentorship in the past. However these are typically examples of fictional role models, characters you could play as or play with that can be seen as a series of traits to live by.…

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