Join us on the Polecat Cast as we discuss the news of the week, like CNN’s misinformation on Gamergate, losing young men to video games, South Park getting away from Trump bashing, and more!
Show notes:
Telling Lies With Engadget
By Mike J.…
Breaking the Narratve Episode 52: EXTREME MISOGYNY BRO!
So today, we are going after the UK rag The Independent, primarily because they just can’t help but be so blatantly ironic in the writing of this article. From my comprehension their position is like most contemporary ‘news’ media of being extreme to the left.…
Book Review: “Kill All Normies” by Angela Nagle
Angela Nagle’s “Kill All Normies” is a short book that aims to document and explain the new culture wars of the internet age, and in particular the conflict of the so-called “Alt-Right” and “Alt-Lite” versus the SJWs of Tumblr and the establishment progressive left.…
Did Andrew Kaczynski violate federal stalking law by demonizing a redditor and then threatening to expose his identity?
Consider Section 2261A of title 18, United States Code- Stalking against the article in which CNN threatened to expose the identity of a redditor credited with the creation of the WWE meme to which the organization took exception. Whoever— (1) travels in interstate or foreign commerce or is present within the special maritime and territorial jurisdiction of the United States, or enters or leaves...
Trump, Sex, Lies and Legislature on College Campuses – HBR Talk 2 With Hannah Wallen
Join the Honey Badgers as we discuss President Trump and the Dear Colleague Letter. Tune in @8pm Eastern!
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Born Without a Gender | Polecat Cast 116
Link to Show Notes:
The gender police begin their crackdown, the Chicago Pride march expresses their anti-semitism, and Vice doesn’t like to have their stuff archived. Let’s do this.
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Breaking The Narrative Episode 51: Jonesing for an Educated Mother! Mother Jones Knows No Discipline!
After seeing this request in the Honey Badger Facebook group I couldn’t help but jump all over it! Now before I begin I wish to state cleanly – I’m not a trained professional in any sense of the word when it comes to the children’s psychiatric/psychological field of study.…
Anita bullies Boogie, Sargon; VidCon says ‘Sorry Anita!’ – Pussycat Cast 11
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Breaking the Narrative Episode 50: Cultural Appropriation Doesn’t Exist!
First and foremost I’d like to apologize for the lack of posting of my articles recently. With everything going on with ICMI and most of the Badger crew being in the Land Down Under things have been difficult with communications. I hope to get back to my weekly set up so we all appreciate you bearing with us during this time.…
A Critique Of Camille Paglia
Introduction With the exception of Christina Hoff Sommers, there is no feminist whom receives a more open-minded reception from the Men’s Human Rights Movement than Camille Paglia. Paglia is an art academic but is often known more for her incisive critiques of contemporary feminism as well as the contemporary art establishment (both of which she characterizes as bourgeois, stifling and smug...
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