Its been a while since I did a ‘special’ article of Breaking the Narrative. As such I figured I’d write an observational opinion piece on something that keeps being noticed in our stretch of the world. Many people who back our side of the debate get attacked for having ‘anime avatars’ or being ‘filthy weebs.’…
Breaking the Narrative Episode 56: The American South is Not Holding Us Back!
Today we are going to do something a tad different. Its no secret to anyone who is a regular to my articles or any of my social media that I am from the Southern United States (Tennessee specifically). This can be seen by one of the first articles I’ve done as well.…
Female Violence, society’s blind spot – Badger Talk 5
Most men’s issues advocates and activists, especially those whose focus is on issues surrounding intimate partner and sexual violence, already know the sex of the individual taking an action doesn’t change its nature… but what about the rest of society?…
Breaking the Narrative Episode 55: Stupid Girl Goes Bananas! Breaking A Review on Aho-Girl!
In searching various feminist anime blogs trying to see if they tried to bash the subject of today’s article I found that for the bulk of them they are avoiding this like the plague. That tells me something very specific – they don’t want people to even know that this show exists!…
Rosie O’Donnell’s Trump Game, Anita Keynotes, Rapist Sues Victim – Polecat Cast 119
Join us on the Polecat as we discuss the news of the week, including a teacher who is suing a student she slept with, flamethrowers for self defense, Rosie O’Donnel’s anti-Trump game, and more!…
Talking Crash Override, Betsy Devos and Lauren Southern with Ashe Schow – Fireside Chat 63
Join us on the Fireside Chat with actual journalist Ashe Schow as we discuss a couple of her articles as well as the Patreon/Lauren Southern debackle. Tune in @3pm Eastern!
Ashe’s Articles:
Breaking the Narrative Episode 54: Take Me For A Ride Doc! Women in Sci-Fi!
This entire past week I saw thousands of people posting Janeways, Buffies, and various other 90’s staples of female empowerment through sci-fi. Why? Because of the now female Doctor in Doctor Who. Now sometimes I wonder if I’m cursed with the knowledge I have… and then I realize if its a curse then I might as well spread it.…
Chicago VS Milo, An Emmy for Sex Junk, and Ms. Dr. Who – Polecat Cast 118
Join us on the Polecat Cast as we discuss the news of the week, including Chicagoans wanting to take down Milo’s ads on the CTA, Bull Nye’s Emmy nomination for “Sex Junk”, the new Doctor Who, and more!…
Breaking the Narrative Episode 53: Still Want That Baby Soft Skin Huh? INTACTIVISM NOW!
In approximately 86% of the Western world if you’ve had a son or were born a son during the late 20th century, chances are you’ve been exposed to Male Genital Mutilation, also known as circumcision. Well what if I were to tell you that there is actually a first world country that has both its medical establishment and its citizenry wanting the practice banned?…
Winco’s Women Woes – Rantzerker 86
Join us on the Rantzerker as we analyze and discuss this video:
Tune in @3pm Eastern!
Save the Doge!
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