Everyone here knows my gaming and video game history but one thing I don’t go too much into unless asked is my own enjoyment of the Star Wars franchise. I’ve been a fan of it ever since first watching the original trilogy on VHS with my father as a child during one of the weekends he had me.…
J.Ishiro Finney’s Letter to the Boys & Young Men of America
In a way this is a letter to everyone, because everyone should see it, hear the message in it for boys and young men, and remember it when engaging with them in everyday life. The hardest thing for society to remember seems to be the fact that men and boys are part of the human race.…
Breaking the Narrative Episode 77: I Live Free Under My Flag! A Character Study of Captain Phantom F. Harlock!
When I started writing for the Honey Badgers about 2 years ago I had discussed depictions of men in anime, namely because of some of my own participation in anime geekdom. Now I think its time I do something I’ve done before with Samus Aran but this time with one of my favorite fictional characters ever – Captain Phantom F.…
Breaking the Narrative Episode 76: Is It The 90’s Again? Really Governor Bevin?
If you’ve been paying attention to the School Shooting hysteria of the past few weeks what with Florida and even the Benton shootings I’ve covered then you may already know how much experience I have in addressing these issues.…
Breaking the Narrative Episode 75: Its Been Some Time AniFem. The Art and the Artist Argument!
Many times over the years many of us have been tackling these issues we have been dealing with Feminism and Social Justice’s complete hatred and attempt to pervert and overtake artistic endeavors and hobbies, the factors of enjoyment of life, likely due to the fact that so many men are motivated if not by family then by what gives them respite.…
Suffragettes can’t save feminism
Feminists unable to defend against criticism of their lobbying history often fall back on the suffrage card. To put it simply, feminists claim that the suffragette movement means feminism is responsible for women’s ability to exercise the right to vote.…
Breaking the Narrative Episode 74: Hitting Close to Home. On the Marshall County High School Tragedy.
Hello again my fellow questioners, this week is probably going to lack my typical feel because this merits a more serious and somber tone. If you have paid attention to news articles at all in the past few weeks then you’ve likely heard of what happened in Benton, Kentucky – specifically at the Marshall County High School.…
Breaking the Narrative Episode 73: Around We Go Again! Breaking A Review of River City Rival Showdown!
As I’ve been talking about for the past month or so, back in November of last year (oddly enough released an exact year to the day I had this review published,) river City Rival Showdown was released stateside by Arc System Works. If you are big in the gaming scene you’ve probably heard as of late they were the ones developing the game Dragonball FighterZ and the like.…
Breaking the Narrative Episode 72: Zero Tolerance Rules Don’t Work. How Teachers Bully Students!
If you are familiar with the video of Keaton Jones posted by his mother meant to raise awareness about bullying late last year then you might realize why I am covering this today. For those unfamiliar with the story or had forgotten, I will get to that in a minute.…
Breaking The Narrative Episode 71:A Brand New Era! Japan’s Hopeful Future?
Well happy new year everyone! I apologize for my absence, I’ve had multiple family and health issues during the holidays to deal with and am just now getting back onto things. As such I’m thinking of warming back up on something fun and positive.…
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