
A roomful of what? ICMI, London, 2018, day 1


What do you get when you confront a feminist with men’s unfettered humanity? Shock. Horror. An article full of defamatory lies, published on the deceptively named “Open Democracy” blog, 50.50. The supposed “only woman in a room of entirely white men” failed to notice the sex and color of several of the event’s speakers, including the first up, Karen Straughan...

A Memo To Australian Women


The Eurydice Dixon rape-murder is not about you.
There is a time for theory and levelheaded discussion. But there is also time for polemic and we have reached that moment.
Let me reiterate: the atrocious tragedy which occurred to Eurydice Dixon did not happen to you, and unless Ms.…

Breaking the Narrative Episode 90: Are You Sure About That? A Study of The Wicker Man!


This time around I had some trouble finding something that wasn’t swarmed all over, yet could concern what we usually discuss here. So, I thought I would cover a classic of suspense and intrigue, the 1973 cult classic The Wicker Man! Now I know what you are about to ask: How the fuck does such an old Christopher Lee vehicle relate to contemporary Men’s Issues?…

Breaking the Narrative Episode 89: Tennessee’s Opening of Pandora’s Gynocentric Box


It is no secret that we are often saddled even now with the issue and question of suffrage, also known as the Right to Vote in the United States. For the longest time, as seen in historically researched texts, this was more linked to the ownership of property as opposed to the common misconception that gender and race were determining factors.…

Breaking the Narrative Episode 88: The Real Way AI is Going to Take Over The World! A Review of Beatless!


I’ve decided to cover this particular series because it’s gone particularly far for an anime in this day and age, and is still on going, surprisingly. This is unusual for a non-franchise anime in the current industry. The reason I’ve made this decision is not just because this ends up becoming Dave Cullen’s worst nightmares made manifest, but it touches upon the plight of...

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