Video Gaming as its evolved over the years has helped bridge a lot of gaps, despite the urging of puritans to push forth needless conflict. This is because if they can keep us distracted with their brands of propaganda and keep us from realizing that the one harming us isn’t our neighbor but the ones directing power, then they can rest easy knowing that they can just fatten and grow...
PC Culture: How NPCs are created
The weaponizing of political correctness against Americans’ recognition of the value of their human rights and personal freedoms relies on an interesting trick: It’s much easier to get people to believe a lie that’s a twisted version of a truth than to sell them on a blatant lie.…
#MeToo and the fragility of the victim identity cult | HBR Talk 61
Join Karen Straughan, Prim Reaper, and Hannah Wallen as we show as we crack open the #MeToo/Feminism victim identity for examination. Tune in @ 8PM EST
Better wear gloves, just in case.
Transcript for opening video
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Breaking the Narrative Episode 104: Happy International Men’s Day 2018! Flexible Mentorship!
Today on this International Men’s Day of 2018 the theme of the day is strong male role models. Now I’ve talked about male mentors and the importance of mentorship in the past. However these are typically examples of fictional role models, characters you could play as or play with that can be seen as a series of traits to live by.…
#International Men’s day, #Movember, & leading by example | HBR Talk 60
Join Anna Cherry, Karen Straughan, and Hannah Wallen as we discuss the upcoming holiday, International Men’s Day, and its theme, Leading by example, through looking at examples like the Movember foundation. Tune in @ 7pm Eastern
Opening monologue transcript
Facts vs Feminism, election edition | HBR Talk 59
Join Karen Straughan, Prim Reaper, and Hannah Wallen on HBR Talk for a post-election discussion on feminist misrepresentation of suffrage history. Tune in @ 7PM EST!
Transcript for opening video:
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Breaking the Narrative Episode 103: Waxing Mid-Terms, Waning Logic! Politicized Scholastics?
I realize the title of this one may be a bit confusing, however I did want to slip in one last midterms joke before we vote Tuesday. I don’t have too much to worry about, my polling place is in walking distance. I do know one thing though, I’m not voting for Karl Dean to be governor of my state.…
Threat vs Narrative | HBR Talk 58
HBR Talk is here to talk about… talk. Is “hate speech” an exception to free speech? Where do we draw the line between acceptably politically incorrect, and a deplatforming offense? Who draws that line, and what interests are allowed to weigh into that decision?…
Breaking the Narrative Episode 102: So Much Blood! Whats Up With Goblin Slayer???
If you are in any way acquainted with anime then this past month you’ve likely heard of the new series Goblin Slayer! With the fourth episode having just passed, I figured that this makes for the best time to cover it. This is not just because of how much is out there but because it’s Halloween.…
When Transmisogyny Is Misandry, or, When The Anti-Trans Anti-PC-Sphere Hates Men
Several websites critical of political correctness, from Milo Yiannopoulos’ Dangerous News to Spiked Online have been very critical of the trans lobby. Now of course, there are legitimate reasons to criticize trans activism in its current state, particularly in a world of Transtrenders and heated arguments over pronouns.…
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