We have angered the victim identity cult.Again.Apparently, making “equal responsibility” part of “equality” is verboten.Joint HBR Talk at 7:30 PM EST as we discuss how and why, and examine the implications. Can we ever recover?…
Breaking in a Concept Episode 2: Giving a Space for Mentoring, Built to Scale!
It’s been a long time coming but I’ve decided to fully announce some plans that I’ve hinted in some of my past works in relation to mentoring. I’m planning on starting my own hobby shop named Built To Scale: Games & Hobby!…
That’s not how any of this works! | HBR Talk 87
HBR Talk finishes our look at the Top ten things Alyssa Milano accidentally said in the subcontext of her call for a sex strike. Listen in as we discuss the implications of women leveraging withdrawal of affection as a means of controlling male voters.…
I do not think it means what you think it means | HBR Talk 86
Gaze into the abyss with HBR Talk as we examine Alyssa Milano’s attempt demand for a sex strike among American women as a means of manipulating men’s votes.
Apparently, vote manipulation is ok when feminists do it. Who’d-a-thunkit?
What else can we learn from this incident?…
You wot matriarch? A response to feminist territorial pressuring – HBR Talk 85
HBR Talk rips a strip off of feminism over one of its many interpersonal boundary issues: Their sense of entitlement to weaponize nonfeminist women against men, and against nonfeminist men’s issues advocacy. Tune in @ 7PM EST 0:03:10 – 0:13:49 — Hannah’s Intro (Take 3) 0:16:24 – 0:17:29 — On The Theory That Men Only Act In The Interest Of Other Men At The...
Breaking the Narrative Episode 121: When false allegations fail in politics: If you can’t win, move the goalposts!
Since the Steele Dossier, Mueller Probe, and every other attempt to discredit the administration of President Donald Trump has failed, the Democratic Party establishment that has all but violated the needs of its primary constituency for the better part of the past 4 years has gotten desperate to retain its power.…
Pretty sneaky, sis – a victim identity cult tactic | HBR Talk 84
HBR Talk looks at feminists’ use of false labels and other orwellian language manipulation as a means of avoiding or heading off rational assessment of their ideas. Tune in at 7PM EST!
0:00:40 – 0:09:06 — Hannah’s Animated Into (audio is out of sync) 0:12:00 – 0:13:38 — Murder On The Job (Are women more likely to be murdered on the job than men?)…
For decades, feminists have promoted a narrative deeming western civilization a “rape culture” in which the female population at large is sexually dominated by the male population at large. While different subgroups of feminist ideologues use different wording to describe the concept, the overall narrative has a set of characteristics that are common to most of the descriptions...
Breaking the Narrative Episode 120: So Your Son Isn’t Autistic? A Consistency of Disdain!
Recently I tried to once again apply my son for preschool or as they are loving to call it nowadays “Pre-K.” My in-laws were attempting to help me out and in their ‘testing’ they misdiagnosed my son autistic because of a 4 point differential under what’s tested.…
Victim identity as a get out of accountability free card | HBR Talk 83
Join us on HBR Talk as we discuss the exploitation of victim identities as a shield against personal responsibility and accountability, from individual actions in everyday life to politics. Tune in at 7PM EST
Opening monologue transcript ;
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