
A social construct by any other name | HBR Talk 93


Ever hear the one about the feminist activists who decided we need more women in autism? Well, neither had we, until recently. Anna Cherry, Prim Reaper, and Hannah Wallen discuss the issue of making autism a gender issue. Tune in @ 7:30PM EST! 00:00:35 – 00:07:47 — Hannah’s Illustrated Opening 00:11:07 – 00:14:25 — Boy Brains And Girl Brains Are Different...

Breaking the Narrative Episode 123: We Shouldn’t Go Straight to Mars! How Anime Got Space Right!


First I apologize for not having an article a bit. I got caught up with a lot of other project work and Father’s Day. I do what I can but sometimes skipping a week is unavoidable due to various issues we all deal with at times. In any case I should just get onto my subject for this week: Space colonization.…

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