Honey Badger Radio, in conjunction with the Canadian Association for Equality, is presenting the Saskatoon screening of “Erasing Family” October 12th at 7PM at The Broadway Theatre! ERASING FAMILY follows young adults fighting to reunite with their broken families.…
Crippling effects of the Bureaucratic Mind virus | HBR Talk 103
HBR Talk examines one major hurdle to legal and social reform that hasn’t received enough consideration: The mentality of workers within the federal bureaucracy. This particular brand of brain-on-autopilot behavior threatens to undermine its implementation.…
Don’t let me get me! – Anthem of the modern woman | HBR Talk 102
Western women have one hell of a problem: They have a victim identity to live by and no way to rationally support it. What’s a gal to do? Ad lib, of course!
HBR Talk examines women’s remarkable ability to turn ordinary things into major issues, snatching victimhood from the jaws of privilege.…
Could #MeToo be called a harassment campaign? | HBR Talk 101
In the spirit of holding victim identitarians to their own standards, HBR Talk examines women’s exploitation of #MeToo as a political and social weapon, against both individual men, and the demographic “men in power.” Is this what they’re talking about when they refer to a harassment campaign?…
Lying is harmless? False! | HBR Talk 100
We’ve been called rape apologists for having the audacity to discuss the civil right of a citizen to not be deprived of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law. Feminists couldn’t more clearly admit to approving the sacrifice of men for women’s purported benefit if they just stated it outright.…
In defense of public advocacy | HBR Talk 99
Why should there be public discussion of men’s issues? What’s the point of informational videos, blog posts, and social media debate? Why should we have community events like conferences and meetups? Tune in to HBR Talk at 7:30PM EST to hear the badgers discuss the importance and power of public advocacy.…
Mysteries of the inexplicable: A tale of two conferences – HBR Talk 98
Join HBR Talk as we discuss the invisible gathering of domineering patriarchs that was sighted from afar by twitter feminists in the very same location as our International Conference on Men’s Issues. This phantasmal shindig allegedly took place right under our very noses, undetected, as we held our event.…
Manosphere descends upon Chicago suburb
Recently, a dastardly crime against civilization is reputed to have taken place in one of the most progressive areas of the United States. A secret invasion was carried out by ruffians from the evil nation of Patriarchy, who have the audacity to insist that men and boys are as human as women and girls.…
MRAs dondu nuffin! and other “robust feminist arguments” | HBR Talk 97
HBR Talk takes a moment to consider some of the opposition we’ve encountered from twitter feminists, who seem to be quite irate that we have the audacity to discuss men’s issues without their supervision. Tune in @7:30 PM EST to hear us discuss their arguments, and our experiences addressing gender politics in conversations on social media.…
Title IX Reform: Oh, the humanity! | HBR Talk 96
What happens when feminism’s professional victims get told “no?” HBR finds out, by continuing to listen and respond to a speech from this year’s 2019 Title IX conference. Tune in @ 7:30PM EST!
00:00:41 – 00:08:26 — Hannah’s Animated Opening 00:11:15 – 00:11:49 — Hannah And Lauren… Sploosh!…
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