
The Lack of Empathy for Men in the Modern Age: The Rise of the Men’s Rights Movement


Written by Peachy_by_night18 December 2019

Editor’s note: This article is the writer’s research, done for a class. Though it contains some assertions and accepts some concepts that many in the movement will not agree with, it is of interest to the men’s issues discussion for a couple of reasons.…

Schoolboy Groomed By Male Predator. Women Most Harmed.


FURTHER UPDATE: Upon reflection, I find Dr. Kezelman’s response (please see the comments below) unsatisfying. Her comments unavoidably tie the grooming of Mr Street to a “culture of misogynist abuse.” Dr. Kezelman may be sincere in saying that she wasn’t speaking of Mr Street’s victimization when discussing a “culture of misogynist abuse” but if that is...

Benevolent sexism: Feminism as the arbiter of compassion | HBR Talk 119


Join HBR Talk as we discuss the concept of “benevolent sexism,” and the not so benevolent ways feminists use it to sweep men’s issues under the rug.Wait, is it sexist to associate feminists with something that sounds like housework?Tune in Thursday at 7:30PM EST, 12:30 GMT

Opening monologue transcript…

A tale of two feminisms! Dueling narratives on equality | HBR Talk 116


HBR Talk discusses feminism’s dueling narratives on equality, and their effects on the overall human rights dialogue. How does this affect feminist responses to men’s rights advocacy? Tune in at 7:30PM EST (12:30AM GMT)

HBR Talk discusses feminism’s dueling narratives on equality, and their effects on the overall human rights dialogue.…

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